After a thorough talk with the operator, who presents Hyperbaric Chamber operation and describes the Session procedure, you will change into comfortable cotton clothes. NRB (non-rebreather) mask is used for breathing pure oxygen while in the Chamber, which you try breathing with before entering the chamber. This is followed by entry into the Chamber and settling on a comfortable mattress, from where you can see the operator clearly through the windows. The Chamber environment is warm, comfortable and equipped with cotton pillows and blankets.

When the environment becomes familiar to you, the Chamber is sealed and prepared for increased pressure. The pressure increases gradually and with ease (approximately 50 cm (19 inches) per minute), so there is enough time to equalize pressure in your ears.

The most common methods for equalizing pressure are swallowing and yawning. If that doesn’t help, pinch your nostrils, shut your mouth and blow gently. It also helps if you take a sip of water just before the Session to moisten your throat.

The compression usually takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the anticipated pressure of the Session, which is decided upon by the trained and certified operator. When the specific pressure is reached, we start timing the Session, which lasts 45-75 minutes at a constant prescribed pressure (Bottom time). During the Session you can rest or nap. The operator watches over you closely for the duration of the Session. After the completed time of the Session, decompression begins for taking the pressure down to atmospheric level, which usually takes as long as compression.

The whole Session lasts for approximately 90 minutes (Run time) and you breathe in pure oxygen all the while through NRB mask. HBOT is a pleasant experience, but we are all claustrophobic to some extent, so expect to feel slight apprehension and this is normal. Operators are trained so that the Session proceeds as relaxed, pleasant and calm as possible.

After the Session in a Hyperbaric Chamber, the effects continue for 6 more hours because of a higher concentration of oxygen in your body. You usually feel great, relaxed, concentrated, energized, but you can also experience a pleasant tiredness. Effects of the Session can be seen right away or a day or two after the Session.


  • We advise smokers not to smoke at least two hours before and after the Session, otherwise the effect is not as beneficial, smoking may even negate it.
  • Please do not drink coffee at least an hour before the Session.
  • Wear cotton underwear, other pure cotton clothes will be provided by us.
  • If you use makeup, we advise you to come without it. If that is not possible, you will be asked to clean your face with a wet wipe before the Session.
  • Allow 2 hours for one Session.

For everyone’s SAFETY please DO NOT take the following items into a Hyperbaric Chamber:

  • Cigarettes, Matches or Lighters Mobile / Cellular Phones Hearing Aid
  • Batteries
  • Electronics or Anything with an Exposed Switch Watches or Jewelery
  • Keys, Coins or Money
  • Perfume or Fresh Nail Polish
  • Medications
  • Metal Objects not part of the Chamber
  • Cosmetics, Make-up or Hair gel
  • Non-approved Skin Lotions
  • Newspapers
  • Shoes
  • Synthetic Clothing Material
  • Any Static-producing Clothing
  • Anything Containing Oil, Grease or Alcohol
  • Any Other Items Deemed Unsafe by the Hyperbaric Technician
  • All clothing, blankets, sheets, pillow cases, etc., must be 100% cotton.

Your Safety is Our Main Concern